Yes, running hurts. Do you know why? It’s because you’re a Clydesdale, Hello!!

I had just read an article about the 5% rule. Jordan D. Metzl M.D.  – The 5 percent rule is a simple way to minimize your risk of getting a running injury. He says, keep your mileage low if your current body weight is more then 5 percent over your ideal weight.

Well, that would be us Clydesdales. Just think, with each extra pound of body weight, you are loading 5 to 8 pounds of force across your back, hips, knees and ankles. Now its time for a little math – whatever your “extra” weight is, multiply them by 6 pounds and that would be the extra force that has been added to your body when you run. So, a Clydesdale that is 40 pounds over weight, multiplied by 6 = 240 pounds of additional weight load above your current weight. Ouch!!

What to do? Log many more swimming and biking miles over running. Also, strengthen your core!! Pick 3-5 core exercises and modify them to work for you. The key is to do them everyday. As your body gets “in shape” at least internally, you can start adding more running miles.