
Gator Tire

Clydesdale Cycling Tire

If you are looking for a bullet proof tire the Continental Gatorskin Clincher Road Tyre is a durable, fast and tough tyre at an affordable price. We put a lot of weight and stress on tires and we need a long distance runner. The GatorGator Tire features a Duraskin external mesh to create a protective shield over the casing, this helps to prevent cuts, punctures and abrasions.




Good For Your Butt

Cycling can become a huge pain in the butt. Not just from getting out their and riding but from the pain you feel during or after you get off your seat. A few simple tricks to help elevate much of the pain.


1) Go to Cobb Cycling at www.cobbcycling.com review their seats and then call them and talk with a representative about the type of riding you do. They will then recommend the best seat for you. (Cobb Cycling seats are the highest rated in comfort)

2) Get your bike fitted with your new seat. Each time a new component changes the way you ride, you should get refitted.

3) Ride – Start with small rides and then work your way up to longer rides and your butt will thank you!



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